Effect of sleep quality on academic performance of undergraduate University level students

  • Urooj Rafi Isra Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Isra University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Saira Jahan Riphah College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Wardah Ajaz Qazi Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Foundation University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Summyia Siddique Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Foundation University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Nadia Ahmed Bukhari Foundation University Medical College, Foundation University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Academic performance, NREM, PSQI, REM, sleep quality, University students


Introduction: emory processing and learning are enhanced by adequate, high-quality sleep of the appropriate duration. It aids memory processing, executive cognitive functioning and concentration. Academic performance of university students suffers as a result of poorer sleep quality.

Objectives: To determine the effect of sleep quality on academic performance of undergraduate university level students.

Methodology: This is analytical cross-sectional study and non-probability purposive sampling technique was used. The study population comprised a total 300 students, out of which 50 students were not completed the questionnaire. A total of 250 students, 113 male and 137 female students were participated in this study. A structured questionnaire was circulated among bachelor-level students of different universities in blinded from August 2018 to December 2018.  The questionnaire was based on Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index along with other relevant data about the students’ age, gender, and discipline of study, respective semester and grades (CGPA or percentage total). The data obtained was analyzed using SPSS 21.

Results: Majority of the students had moderately poor sleep quality (Global PSQI score=5). The 17.6% of subjects scored 5 in PSQI and 14.8% of subjects scored 6 in PSQI. However, the students who scored high CGPA (>3.5) had better sleep quality as compared to those who got CGPA <3.5.

Conclusion: Majority of the students having poor sleep quality and their grades might be affected. Furthermore, the students who attaining good CGPA (>3.5) had on an average good sleep quality.


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How to Cite
Rafi U, Jahan S, Qazi W, Siddique S, Bukhari N. Effect of sleep quality on academic performance of undergraduate University level students. JSTMU [Internet]. 28Dec.2021 [cited 6Mar.2025];4(2):95-9. Available from: https://j.stmu.edu.pk/ojs/index.php/jstmu/article/view/155