Knowledge, attitude and practices study regarding current COVID-19 pandemic in patients presenting to rheumatology clinic of a Tertiary Care Hospital

  • Taqdees Khaliq Department of Rheumatology, Federal Government Polyclinic, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Sarah Azam Shah Department of Rheumatology, Federal Government Polyclinic, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Saad Saleem Department of Rheumatology, Federal Government Polyclinic, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Safeena Hamed Quraishi Department of Rheumatology, Federal Government Polyclinic, Islamabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Attitude, COVID-19, knowldege, pandemic, rheumatology


Introduction: The most important step in controlling the spread of any communicable disease is to stick to preventive measures and COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Keeping this in mind, a KAP study was performed in the rheumatology unit of a tertiary care hospital of Islamabad. The main idea was to know the level of understanding of rheumatologic patients with respect to COVID-19 pandemic and its preventive measures.

Objective: The objective of the study was to understand the knowledge, attitude and practices of rheumatologic patients towards COVID-19 pandemic.

Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study in which consecutive, non-probability sampling technique was used.

Results: There were 37 males and 73 females in the study group, with mean age of 38.75±13.9 years.

The total knowledge score was 17 points. It was found that 12 (10.9%) participants had poor knowledge regarding COVID-19, whereas 27 (24.5%) and 71 (64.5%) had good and excellent knowledge respectively. The total attitude score of study participants 7 points. It was found that 11 (10.0%) participants had poor attitude, whereas 72 (65.5%) and 27 (24.5%) had good and excellent attitude. The total practice score was 11 points. It was calculated that 30 (27.3%) study participants had poor practices regarding COVID-19 prevention, whereas 78 (70.9%) had good practices and only 2 (1.8%) had excellent practices.

Conclusion: Overall, it was noted that KAP of our rheumatologic patients towards COVID-19 infection was reasonable, however, there is always room for improvement.


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How to Cite
Khaliq T, Shah S, Saleem S, Quraishi S. Knowledge, attitude and practices study regarding current COVID-19 pandemic in patients presenting to rheumatology clinic of a Tertiary Care Hospital. JSTMU [Internet]. 28Dec.2021 [cited 6Mar.2025];4(2):100-9. Available from: