Effects of perceived intrapersonal problem-solving and social competence on emotional regulation in adolescents

  • Anna Sharif Department of Psychology, University of Sialkot, Pakistan
  • Anum Shehzadi Department of Psychology, University of Sialkot, Pakistan
Keywords: Interpersonal Problem, Social Competence, Emotional Regulation, Adolescents


Introduction: There is a need to assess the effects of interpersonal problem-solving and social competence on emotional regulation in adolescents. The research was investigating the effect of interpersonal problem-solving and social competence on emotional regulation in adolescents. Moreover, the impact of the study based on demographical variables was also explored.

Objective: This study aimed to assess perceived interpersonal problem-solving and social competence in the emotional regulation of adolescents in Sialkot.

Methodology: A sample of 345 adolescents with the age range of (11 to 20 years) was collected from various educational institutes in Sialkot through a random sampling technique. For collecting data, interpersonal problem solving, social competence, and emotional regulation, the Inventory of Interpersonal problems IIP-32, Social Competence Inventory, and Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionnaire were used as assessment tools. Statistical analysis of correlational analysis, regression analysis, t-test, and descriptive analysis was applied to the collected data. 

Results: Results indicated that interpersonal problem-solving, and social competence significantly correlate with emotional regulation (r = 0.25**, **p<0.01, r = 0.31**, **p<0.01, r=0.42**, **p<0.01 respectively). Further applied analysis indicated that interpersonal problem-solving, and social competence also significantly predict emotional regulation among adolescents (β = 0.31 and β = 0.42, respectively).

Conclusion: Results of current research concluded that emotional regulation positively correlates with interpersonal problem-solving and social competence. Further, interpersonal problem-solving, and social competence also positively correlates with each other.


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Author Biographies

Anna Sharif, Department of Psychology, University of Sialkot, Pakistan


Anum Shehzadi, Department of Psychology, University of Sialkot, Pakistan

Research Scholar


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How to Cite
Sharif A, Shehzadi A. Effects of perceived intrapersonal problem-solving and social competence on emotional regulation in adolescents. JSTMU [Internet]. 23Feb.2023 [cited 23Feb.2025];5(2):104-13. Available from: https://j.stmu.edu.pk/ojs/index.php/jstmu/article/view/223