Case-based learning with a twist: Testing the effectiveness of integrated case-based learning in an undergraduate dental curriculum

  • Taliya Sajjad Senior Lecturer, Department of Medical and Dental Education, Shifa College of Dentistry, STMU, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Ayesha Younas Assistant Professor, Department of Medical and Dental Education, Shifa College of Dentistry, STMU, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Laila Shakeel Abbasi Assistant Professor, Department of Medical and Dental Education, Shifa College of Dentistry, STMU, Islamabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Case-based learning, Dental education, Integrated learning, Integration


Introduction: Integrated Case-based learning (i-CBL) is a variation of traditional case-based learning in which integrated cases are developed to emulate real-life scenarios that healthcare practitioners encounter in everyday practice. This study explores the effectiveness and relative success of i-CBL pedagogy in an undergraduate dental curriculum.

Objective: To assess the impact of the i-CBL as a pedagogical strategy in an undergraduate dental curriculum..

Methodology: i-CBL was introduced in three years of a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) program. Cases based on integrated modules in the curriculum were developed and vetted by trained faculty. Students were also introduced to the i-CBL concept, and their detailed online feedback was taken on completing each i-CBL session in their academic year. Descriptive and analytic statistics were used for the Likert response data, and thematic analysis was conducted for the free text items. 

Results: Eighty-three feedback questionnaires were collected from students throughout the year (18.2% first year, 47.5% second Year and 34.3% third Year). There was a significant difference in the students' perceptions regarding the conduct of the i-CBL over the three BDS years (p=0.00). However, there was no significant difference in their delivery by the concerned tutors (p=0.468) and the scenario construct (p=0.55). Thematic analysis of free text comments also highlighted overall student satisfaction with the i-CBL pedagogy.

Conclusion: This study highlights the value of introducing i-CBL. More focus on faculty training and the development of appropriate cases will be helpful for effective student learning.


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How to Cite
Sajjad T, Younas A, Abbasi L. Case-based learning with a twist: Testing the effectiveness of integrated case-based learning in an undergraduate dental curriculum. JSTMU [Internet]. 8Jan.2024 [cited 23Feb.2025];6(2):65-1. Available from: