Shisha use and trends in Pakistan: A narrative review

  • Saba Savul Dept. of Community & Family Medicine, Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Islamabad
Keywords: Shisha, Sheesha, Hubble bubble, Hookah, Waterpipe, Smoking


Shisha smoking is a growing global epidemic and a preventable cause of mortality and morbidity. Shisha use is popular among youth worldwide constituting a voguish social trend. It is widely regarded as less hazardous and more acceptable than cigarette smoking. However, research evidence has highlighted numerous harmful effects of shisha smoking. A literature review was conducted to identify all available research related to shisha smoking in Pakistan. “Pubmed” and “Google Scholar” were employed as search engines. This review presents and evaluates evidence regarding trends, patterns, knowledge, beliefs and usage of shisha in Pakistan. It culminates with recommendations to increase awareness of shisha and preventive strategies to combat this significant public health issue in Pakistan.


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How to Cite
Savul S. Shisha use and trends in Pakistan: A narrative review. JSTMU [Internet]. 16Jan.2019 [cited 23Feb.2025];1(1):37 -40. Available from:
Review Article (without Meta-analysis)