Exploring standards of assessment for MHPE programs in Pakistan: Perspective of program directors

  • Liaqat Ali Department of Physiology, Frontier Medical College, Abbottabad, Pakistan.
  • Rahila Yasmeen Riphah Academy of Research & Education, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Afrose Liaquat Department of Biochemistry, Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Keywords: Standards, masters, MHPE, faculty development


Background: Masters in health professions education (MHPE) programs in Pakistan has created many challenges for its curricular components. It is necessary to explore these components in the local context, so as to agree to what constitutes minimally agreed MHPE standards.

Objectives: To identify the similarities and variations in assessment of MHPE Programs of Pakistan.

Methodology: Collective case study design was used to collect data from 07 programs directors about assessment methodology/policy used in their programs through semi structured interviews. After transcription of interviews and open coding, axial codes were transferred to Microsoft excel sheet for themes identification through content, thematic and discourse analysis simultaneously using NVIVO software, word frequency and matrix coding queries. Trustworthiness of data was ensured through credibility, conformability, dependability and transferability. 

Conclusion Formative assessment, assignments, end of term examination and thesis defense are similarities of different programs proposed as minimum standards for existing and future programs. OSTE is proposed as variations and guidelines for accrediting agencies and EPAs, self-assessment, peer assessment and online assessments are the challenges tasks ahead to work.   


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How to Cite
Ali L, Yasmeen R, Liaquat A. Exploring standards of assessment for MHPE programs in Pakistan: Perspective of program directors. JSTMU [Internet]. 9Aug.2020 [cited 23Feb.2025];3(1):10 -15. Available from: https://j.stmu.edu.pk/ojs/index.php/jstmu/article/view/66