Assessment of facility-based emergency care services for road traffic injuries in tertiary care hospital, Larkana

  • Mansoor Ahmed Qazi Department of Community Medicine, Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Saima Rafi Department of Community Medicine, Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Road traffic accidents, post-crash care, emergency care system, emergency medical services, health care providers, Larkana


Background: Road traffic injuries are considered as main public health problem; strenuous efforts are required for its prevention. Facility based emergency care for road traffic injuries is considered as an important but challenging component of post-crash care response. It demands healthcare providers to make quick life-and-death decisions based on minimal information.  The objective of our study was to explore the challenges for emergency services for road traffic injuries within Tertiary care hospital.

Methodology: Qualitative methods were used including 15 interviews and 02 focus group discussions. Topic guide was developed for all the participant’s interviews, in order to explore the challenges for effective emergency care services at tertiary care level in Larkana city, Sindh. Topic guide was developed for all the participant’s interviews.

Results: After making the transcripts of qualitative data, thematic analysis framework was used to analyze the transcripts, by which two main themes; recognition of causes and adverse consequences of road traffic accidents and health system challenges for delivering emergency care were extracted. Results suggest that improvement in documentation and record keeping system, security for health care providers, provision of timely interventions and proper training for health professionals at hospital level can be helpful for the provision of effective emergency care services.

Conclusion: An integrated trauma care system along with the improvement in documentation, efficient record keeping system, security for health care providers, provision of timely interventions and training for health professionals is needed for effective post-crash care management at the hospital level.


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How to Cite
Qazi M, Rafi S. Assessment of facility-based emergency care services for road traffic injuries in tertiary care hospital, Larkana. JSTMU [Internet]. 9Aug.2020 [cited 23Feb.2025];3(1):16 -26. Available from: