Views of expatriate Pakistani doctors about quality of medical education in Pakistan

  • Atif Razzaq Wali Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Management, Tawam Hospital, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
  • Tahir Mahmood Akbar Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Management, Tawam Hospital, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Keywords: Medical education, qualitative survey, education quality


Introduction and objective: Road Survey to evaluate and analyze the views of Pakistani doctors working in various developed countries about the quality of undergraduate and postgraduate medical education they received in Pakistan and how well it prepared them for their role as senior physicians in a multicultural healthcare workforce in many countries and in terms of parity to the medical education in their current country of work.

Methodology: A web-based survey consisting of twenty item questions with graded answer choices, was prepared by the authors to include a multidimensional comprehensive questionnaire to collect the views of the target participants. The survey was completed anonymously on a mobile device or a computer with internet access and took 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Results: The results of this qualitative survey indicate that there is generally a broad convergence of opinion regarding the quality of Pakistani medical education, with primary medical education, more consistently considered higher quality, amongst the Pakistani physicians currently working in UK, USA and Middle Eastern countries.

Conclusion: Overall the Pakistani education seems to be of a satisfactory level, but cannot be considered to be superior to the counterpart education from these countries, based on this survey results. Areas such as research methodology appear to be particularly weak and there was a divergence of opinion regarding what the top priority should be to address within Pakistani medical education and training environment. Many of these physicians would like to work in Pakistan again, provided that the working conditions are favorable.


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How to Cite
Wali A, Akbar T. Views of expatriate Pakistani doctors about quality of medical education in Pakistan. JSTMU [Internet]. 9Aug.2020 [cited 23Feb.2025];3(1):27 -33. Available from: